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...:: 10.06.2009 - 23:30 | autor: robbie
“Around Great Britain 2009”

English is the main subject chosen by students of LO Lesko as their foreign language on the Matura exam. In order to accomplish the best results we work hard on improving our speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. However, apart from that there is one more matter which also requires our attention – general knowledge of English customs and culture.

Mastering a foreign language includes not only practising strictly linguistic abilities, but also understanding at least the bases of economy, politics, history and tradition of a particular country. It is extremely significant that we realize the importance of this specific field. Fortunately, our school is aware of this fact and often gives us numerous opportunities to extend our knowledge in the mentioned direction. Such a chance might be for instance organizing many competitions. Now, I would like to present the contest “Around Great Britain” and hopefully encourage you to take part in it next year.

The competition is fairly new in LO Lesko - it was held only twice. However, there are always many students willing to participate. The contest checks our general knowledge of Great Britain and is in a form of a test in which open and closed questions are mixed together. All answers are contained in a text that is given to every participant soon after declaring the desire to become one. The “Around Great Britain” test is always held in the middle of the second term so there is plenty of time to peacefully and carefully read the extract. Of course, the winners will receive prizes at the end of the school year. The contest is prepared and checked by Mrs. Angelina Rusinek, whereas it is sponsored by publishing houses such as: Macmillan, Express Publishing, Oxford University Press and Polango.

This year the competition took place on 7th April and has the following results:
- first place - Katarzyna Orłowska (class IIe),
- second place - Justyna Bielak (class I a),
- third place - Anna Rajchel ( class IIe).
Nevertheless, there was one more time when the test was held and it was last year. So the previous classification is:
- first place -Andrzej Materna (at that time class IIe) and Katarzyna Orłowska (then class Ie),
- second place - Elżbieta Miller (in those days class II e),
- third place - Anna Fuks (then class III b).

Moreover, students from our school take part in other contests and achieve great results. Among others we can mention: “FOX” contest, competition organized by Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa in Krosno and Regionalny Konkurs Języka Angielskiego in Mielec.

We would like to thank our dear English teachers - mgr Angelina Rusinek, mgr Grażyna Kwaśniewicz and mgr Anna Ceparska-Bąbel for spending their time with us preparing to these challenges and supporting us when we faced them.

On my part I sincerely encourage you to participate in each competition you can. You will gain new experiences and extend your knowledge in certain fields. You cannot lose anything but you can accomplish so much. Good luck.

Katarzyna Orłowska

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